Uniform railway exchange No. 2/2025

We declare the JZK No. 2/2025 for area of Czech Railway (Ceske drahy, a.s.) with efficiency from 01.03.2025.

JZK No. 1/2025 loses validity with expiration of the day 28.02.2025.

Switzerland 1 CHF 27.10 CZK -
EMU-EURO 1 EUR 25.50 CZK -
Poland 1 PLN 6.14 CZK +
United States 1 USD 24.40 CZK -
ZPC-SDR 1 XDR 32.00 CZK =

Note for customers:

Uniform Railway Quotation is designed for conversion of the value of travel and reservation documents, that is fixed in foreign tariff currency, into payment currency CZK.
During the conversion of the currencies, whose course the Czech National Bank (CNB) does not indicate in its market tickets, but those ones can occur as a tariff currency in the international railway transports, the OPT uses the ratio of their courses to EUR during the settlement with the customers, that their central banks announce. The in this way acquired value in freely exchangeable currency it converts by the appropriate rail course (JZK) into CZK.

email: sekretariat@opt.cd.cz